What is something you learned from this article? (3-4 sentences)
This article discussed Typography and Design. It covered how knowing your audience will affect font choice. The article also emphasized how fonts should be cohesive either with images, content, color, or purpose and a general rule of thumb is to use 2-3 fonts. Lastly, the article discussed ratios and scales when it comes to font-sizing
What was your favorite part of this article? (3-4 sentences)
My favorite part of the article is learning about how fonts should also align with images. This is something I had not considered before. The image they used to illustrate this concept was super cohesive and it inspires me to include visuals and fonts in a way I hadn't thought of before.
Copy and paste a quote you found compelling, interesting, or cool
Typography is all about experimentation. It’s both a science and an art.
This was also emphasized in class and reassuring that design is also subjective
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much did you enjoy reading this article? If you scored below a five, please briefly explain why.
10, I think this was a well written article - super clear and helpful in that it reinforced content from the class